Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hooray for Yahoo!

I keep reading about how Yahoo needs to do this and that to fix things and make a more profitable company. I don't know about any of that - it strikes me that the company is being measured by standards which are unrealistic and crash prone. In any case, I will say this for Yahoo: its sports coverage is very good, and its college football coverage is absolutely outstanding.

Two examples will suffice: Death to the BCS, a book with a self explanatory title, the centerpiece of a running battle to dismantle college football's idiotic postseason system, which has largely played out in columns on Yahoo Sports. And now, this Woodward and Bernstein quality investigation into Nevin Shapiro and his extended career of illegal interactions with the University of Miami's athletes.

Charles Robinson, Dan Wetzel, Jeff Passan, Josh Peter: keep up this amazing work. Thank you.


  1. They have managed to build a sports base huh? Although I am pretty much disgusted with the bias and vitrol Puck Daddy contributors spew- so much so that I took it off my google reader/feed/homepage.

  2. Yeah, well. The commenters on Yahoo generally are a whole other kettle of rotten fish.
